Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist?

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist? | Children's Dental Specialists - ycpd1

The extensive training given to our pediatric dentists provides us with the knowledge and skills to provide a positive dental experience and gives us the ability to educate children on the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.

With advanced training in child psychology, growth and development, behavior management, interceptive orthodontics, sedation, special needs patients, and the skills to alleviate anxiety and build trust with children – our pediatric dentists are special people.

Taking your children to a pediatric dentist, rather than a general dentist, is best if you want the most comprehensive dental treatment for your children.

Common reasons for your child to see a pediatric dentist include:

  • Your child has special medical needs that are, or might, affect their oral heath
  • Your child has cavities in adult teeth that are forming under the gum
  • Your child’s baby teeth are not coming in
  • Your child’s baby teeth are not falling out at the expected time
  • To learn information about extinguishing unwanted oral habits
  • To receive preventative treatments
  • Receive reports about your child’s teeth and jaw growth and development

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist? | Children's Dental Specialists - list1The Basic Benefits

Pediatric dentists go through both regular dental training and an additional two to three years of education specializing in pediatric dental health and how the mouth and teeth change as children grow. Because they treat only children, they will be more familiar with factors such as how children react in the dental chair and whether an anomaly in a child's mouth is really something to worry about. Our pediatric dentists can see children from infancy through the teen years and can work extremely well with special needs children.

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist? | Children's Dental Specialists - treatmentsSpecial Treatment

Our pediatric dentists track how your children's teeth are doing as the teeth grow in. They can spot problems early on that might require the help of an orthodontist, too. Our tools and equipment are smaller, making it easier for your child to undergo tests like x-rays and bite impressions. The best pediatric dentist's office staff is aware of how scary a visit to the dentist can seem, and we strive to always make it the best experience for your and your little one.

If you want your children to see a recommended children's dentist, contact Children's Dental Specialists. Our office in Troy is conveniently located right off of I-75, and we look forward to meeting you!

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